


 I don't usually enjoy trips, since they are always organized by my mother and she enjoys nature a lot, on the other hand, I enjoy the city. My vacations are always camping and that for me is uncomfortable, being cold, many insects, rain, etc.

About five years ago, we decided to go to the south of Chile, even though we camped half the time, the other for me was fun. We traveled from Calama (the city where I lived) to Santiago and from there we drove to Chiloé. We stopped in many cities during the trip and stayed for a few days. It took us almost two weeks to arrive. We were my mom, my sister and my dad. 

Among my favorite places is the commune of Curacautín in the Araucanía region, there is the Malalcahuello National Reserve. The relief of this reserve has been strongly marked by volcanic and glacial activity. The Lonquimay volcano stands out, which has a crater on its side, called Navidad Crater, this because it began its activity on December 25, 1988. My mom made us climb that crater. I remember my slippers melting in the heat that emanated, but when I got to the end, the view of the reserve was wonderful. Maybe I would do it again.

At the moment I thought that this would be the best of the summer until we got to Chiloé. I had lived all my life in the north of Chile, I was accustomed to the arid climate and the extreme sun, so going to the opposite climate was a great experience. What I liked the most were the houses, they have a very sloping roof and are of different colors. There are some houses that move, this is called "La minga", many neighbors help and I had the privilege of observing it.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Hi Catalina, like you, I don't enjoy camping for the same reasons. Sleeping on the ground is the worst thing that can happen to me, and at any moment it can start raining like in the movies.

  2. Visit the nature is very good for the health, I will have to follow your example and go to camp in the south of Chile.

  3. Hi! I loved your vacations, it must have been entertaining to visit various places and enjoy the natural parks and reserves! I would like to know all that.

  4. What an entertaining trip, I have never traveled by car for as long as you


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