


  Since I was a child, snakes have caught my attention, they are very interesting animals. Snakes have some clear differences from other reptiles. They have no limbs, no moveable eyelids, and no ear openings. The teeth of most nonvenomous snakes form 2 rows in the upper jaw and 1 row in the lower jaw. The teeth are curved backward to help keep struggling prey from escaping. Venomous snakes have grooved or hollow fangs that they use to inject venom into their prey. Snakes' skulls contain joints to allow the snake to swallow large prey.

  As there are so many species, it is possible to find them in all sizes. The string snake is the smallest in the world and measures about four inches, that is, the size of an earthworm. Instead, the largest snake is the reticulated python, as it can reach nine meters in length.

  Snakes are capable of gobbling up other animals larger than themselves, such as crocodiles, alligators, or cows. In fact, in order for the prey to pass through their mouth, they come to disengage the jaw. Some snakes explode after eating a live animal, although it is not known exactly why. Snakes don't smell through their noses like people, but instead have a forked tongue that they use to smell and taste. 

  My favorite snake is the corn snake, I like it because it is small and docile, they are common as pets and they are not poisonous. They are most active at night or during the hours of dawn and dusk.



  1. The snakes are very beautiful, I also like them, as a child I was lucky enough to be able to go to a snake exhibition and I was able to touch some


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