


> The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)

  The degree includes strong and essential points of what architecture is, considering both the human and structural areas, however, it does not consider that creativity is essential to solve many of the area's problems. In my opinion, an artistic subject is needed that implements measures that work creativity from different methodologies.

> Workload and length of studies

  Regarding the study load, it seems to me that you are trying to cover a lot in a short time, this causes that not everything can be fully understood, causing stress in the students. Personally, I think it should be between 12 and 13 semesters.

> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)

  Due to the pandemic, I still do not physically know the faculty, but according to what I have seen in photographs and heard from colleagues, I consider that it needs more green areas, perhaps with shade and above all, rest areas, since the academic load demands a worthy place to stop for a moment and rest.

> Use of technology

  I think technology currently opens up many possibilities. I think that the workshop makes a lot of use of paper when printing projects, when digital deliveries could be made for pre-evaluations. In this way, less waste would be generated and it would also save on printing.

> Teaching methods

  Teaching methods vary according to each teacher, it is good to adapt to different forms. I think the essential thing is to explain clearly, give feedback, treat students with respect and be flexible with ideas and projects.



  1. I have a friend who studies architecture at the same faculty, and she has also told me about the lack of green areas and the comparison of the green areas of the university that is on one side with hers :/

  2. I think that teaching methods are essential for the teaching of the degree, as well as the treatment of the students, and that it is the same from the students.


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