

  Hello and welcome to my latest blog!

  Well, I had the idea that learning English was basically a lot of "verb to be". At school I did not have a good base of English, since they always changed our teachers, so I thought that I would not understand anything at the university. The learning methodology has been different, but it has allowed me to learn at my own pace.

  Learning English in university allowed me to expand my vocabulary and practice ways to order sentences and ideas. It was very interesting to investigate new topics, think more about my future and project myself through the topics raised in the blogs.

  Blogging was a new and fun experience, talking about topics and experiences that I was aware of allowed me to learn new words and conjugations. The blog that I enjoyed doing the most was about snakes, since I was able to deepen my knowledge regarding them and how interesting they are.

  However, there were some things that could have been better. Sometimes when rereading my old blogs I would realize that I had spelling mistakes or my ideas were not expressed in the best way, but I suppose it is part of the learning process. My main achievements would include knowing new words to incorporate into my vocabulary and spending more hours studying a second language.

  In my day to day I tend to reinforce my English through music, movies and series, although lately I have had to resort to a lot of information in English to research topics for my work and projects.



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