


  Well, I'm still not sure what kind of job I would like to have, since I like many things. Lately I have been thinking a lot about fashion design, I am interested in pattern making and crochet.In spite of everything, it is most likely that I finally dedicate myself to architecture in some way, Chile has few opportunities for people who want to dedicate themselves to art or design. I like architecture, but I think not enough to dedicate myself solely to it.

  Something that I like about architecture that traveling is very good to acquire new knowledge, since architecture is influenced by its context. An example is Japan, a country with earthquakes like Chile, the Japanese have implemented different technologies to protect buildings and people from earthquakes.

  Well, about the salary... it depends a lot on the place and the years of experience of an architect, but I think it's enough to live in peace. Also the specialty of an architect influences what he will earn, personally, I do not know what area to take, but I would like something related to sustainability and the environment.

  I believe that being an architect is good, university training provides tools that allow opening up to other areas with ease. The architectural design is one of the most complete and complex, so it opens the way to other areas of design, it is like learning to play the guitar, then practicing with other string instruments is easier.



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