


  I think it's more of a dream than a concrete plan for the future, but I would like to go live in Andorra. It started as a joke, because some youtubers live there, like Vegetta777 and Willyrex, but then I started researching this country and the requirements to be a resident and it seemed like a very beautiful and peaceful place to be.

  Andorra is a small independent principality located between France and Spain, on the Pyrenees. It is a small country that can be traveled from north to south in less than an hour. Its capital is Andorra la Vella and it is famous for its boutiques and jewelers on Meritxell avenue and several shopping centers. Andorra has a quality of life that makes it the ideal place to live. Its natural environment provides Andorra with excellent air quality 90% of the time, thanks to its setting between mountains. Thanks to this, and to other factors, Andorra is at the head of life expectancy worldwide.


However, to live in Andorra you need a lot of money, since apparently many millionaires return. Among some requirements are those of being of legal age. As well as a minimum time of stay of at least 90 to 183 days is established. This period will depend on the type of residence required. Likewise, a medical report is essential. On the other hand, it must have a floor; either owned or rented. In addition, a deposit of between € 15,000-50,000 must be provided. I think if I woke up with a millionaire inheritance I would leave without thinking. 



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