
🌸🌸🌸 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES   Hello and welcome to my latest blog!   Well, I had the idea that learning English was basically a lot of "verb to be". At school I did not have a good base of English, since they always changed our teachers, so I thought that I would not understand anything at the university. The learning methodology has been different, but it has allowed me to learn at my own pace.   Learning English in university allowed me to expand my vocabulary and practice ways to order sentences and ideas. It was very interesting to investigate new topics, think more about my future and project myself through the topics raised in the blogs.   Blogging was a new and fun experience, talking about topics and experiences that I was aware of allowed me to learn new words and conjugations. The blog that I enjoyed doing the most was about snakes, since I was able to deepen my knowledge regarding them and how interesting they are.   However, there were some things that coul
 🌸🌸🌸 CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME ARCHITECTURE PROGRAMME > The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)   The degree includes strong and essential points of what architecture is, considering both the human and structural areas, however, it does not consider that creativity is essential to solve many of the area's problems. In my opinion, an artistic subject is needed that implements measures that work creativity from different methodologies. > Workload and length of studies   Regarding the study load, it seems to me that you are trying to cover a lot in a short time, this causes that not everything can be fully understood, causing stress in the students. Personally, I think it should be between 12 and 13 semesters. > Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)   Due to the pandemic, I still do not physically know the faculty, but according to what I have seen in photographs and heard from colleagues, I consider that it needs more green areas, perhaps with shad
 🌸🌸🌸 TIME TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE ANDORRA   I think it's more of a dream than a concrete plan for the future, but I would like to go live in Andorra. It started as a joke, because some youtubers live there, like Vegetta777 and Willyrex, but then I started researching this country and the requirements to be a resident and it seemed like a very beautiful and peaceful place to be.   Andorra is a small independent principality located between France and Spain, on the Pyrenees. It is a small country that can be traveled from north to south in less than an hour. Its capital is Andorra la Vella and it is famous for its boutiques and jewelers on Meritxell avenue and several shopping centers. Andorra has a quality of life that makes it the ideal place to live. Its natural environment provides Andorra with excellent air quality 90% of the time, thanks to its setting between mountains. Thanks to this, and to other factors, Andorra is at the head of life expectancy worldwide.    However, to li
 🌸🌸🌸 MY FUTURE JOB ARCHITECT   Well, I'm still not sure what kind of job I would like to have, since I like many things. Lately I have been thinking a lot about fashion design, I am interested in pattern making and crochet.In spite of everything, it is most likely that I finally dedicate myself to architecture in some way, Chile has few opportunities for people who want to dedicate themselves to art or design. I like architecture, but I think not enough to dedicate myself solely to it.   Something that I like about architecture that traveling is very good to acquire new knowledge, since architecture is influenced by its context. An example is Japan, a country with earthquakes like Chile, the Japanese have implemented different technologies to protect buildings and people from earthquakes.   Well, about the salary... it depends a lot on the place and the years of experience of an architect, but I think it's enough to live in peace. Also the specialty of an architect influence
🌸🌸🌸  MY PROFESSION ARCHITECTURE   The work of an architect is a wide spectrum of possibilities. Usually you have the idea that the architect is the one who only designs buildings and houses, but the truth is that an architect knows the whole procedure to materialize an idea, either in an object or in a large building. Design is a process that requires time, creativity and the ability to rethink many times.   One of the most important positive aspects in my opinion is that it opens a very large world of opportunities, since being an architect can lead you to design logos, products, interiors, machinery, etc. In this way, it is easy to adapt the methodology and knowledge to the area of interest.   I decided on this profession because I do not know what specific area I want to dedicate myself to in the future and its flexibility would allow me to cover a lot, change if I do not like something and even help me to take the initiative on my own and be an entrepreneur. Currently I am very
 🌸🌸🌸 FREE THEMED TOPIC MY FAVORITE ANIMAL: SNAKES   Since I was a child, snakes have caught my attention, they are very interesting animals. Snakes have some clear differences from other reptiles. They have no limbs, no moveable eyelids, and no ear openings. The teeth of most nonvenomous snakes form 2 rows in the upper jaw and 1 row in the lower jaw. The teeth are curved backward to help keep struggling prey from escaping. Venomous snakes have grooved or hollow fangs that they use to inject venom into their prey. Snakes' skulls contain joints to allow the snake to swallow large prey.   As there are so many species, it is possible to find them in all sizes. The string snake is the smallest in the world and measures about four inches, that is, the size of an earthworm. Instead, the largest snake is the reticulated python, as it can reach nine meters in length.   Snakes are capable of gobbling up other animals larger than themselves, such as crocodiles, alligators, or cows. In fact
🌸🌸🌸 THE BEST HOLIDAYS EVER THE SOUTH OF CHILE   I don't usually enjoy trips, since they are always organized by my mother and she enjoys nature a lot, on the other hand, I enjoy the city. My vacations are always camping and that for me is uncomfortable, being cold, many insects, rain, etc. About five years ago, we decided to go to the south of Chile, even though we camped half the time, the other for me was fun. We traveled from Calama (the city where I lived) to Santiago and from there we drove to Chiloé. We stopped in many cities during the trip and stayed for a few days. It took us almost two weeks to arrive. We were my mom, my sister and my dad.  Among my favorite places is the commune of Curacautín in the Araucanía region, there is the Malalcahuello National Reserve. The relief of this reserve has been strongly marked by volcanic and glacial activity. The Lonquimay volcano stands out, which has a crater on its side, called Navidad Crater, this because it began its activity